Do you need help crafting a professional looking resume that gets you noticed in the job market? Our four-part video series will help you transform your resume!
Part 1: Customizing the Contact Section
Learn how to transform your resume by customizing your contact information. This video is Part 1 of our four-part video series detailing tips for transforming your resume!
Part 2: Shaping Your Summary
Learn how to transform the top-third of your resume, the Summary section, in Part 2 of our four-part video series detailing tips for transforming your resume! Through use a targeted job title, you can get away from using the outdated objective statement from your resume. Similarly, adding a branding statement can help you showcase your strengths. Finally, create a short summary section to quantify your results.
Part 3: Strengthening the Professional Experience Section
Learn how to transform your resume by crafting a strong professional experience section in Part 3 of our four-part video series detailing tips for transforming your resume! Let us teach you how to put your best foot forward through the creation of high-quality content and graphics that showcase your strengths and quantify your results. These pieces make for excellent additions to include in the Experience Section of your resume.
Part 4: Filling out the Education section
Learn how to transform your resume by filling out the education section in Part 4 of our four-part video series detailing tips for transforming your resume! Understand the four key components of a strong resume and how to best add your University and degrees to the Education section of your resume.